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« the best OL games is the fifa 14 | 2 Tips for get cheap fifa coins »

fifa 14 coins top tips

fifa 14 coins top tips

fifa coins Cigarettes, Bars, Shoes, Make-up, Lotto, Casinos, Speeding fines, Bottled Water, Overdraft Fees, Credit Card Fees, Different Bank ATM Fees, Gym Membership(That we force ourselves to visit bimonthly), Throwing away Food, leaving the Lights and TV on, Driving too fast when you don't need to, Buying single cups of coffee, Taking long Showers...

fifa 14 coins We're all guilty of the above (yes lotto is a form of gambling), and as much as we enjoy our little impulses, cravings, addictions or whatever you may call it, they do tend to add up in the end. No matter what your salary is, we all seem to have the same amazing ability to waste money. We've all bought bottled water and most of us spend too long in the shower. Is that water of a much lower quality? Is it not drinkable? I'm guilty of it too. A solution: Keep a bottle of water in your car(water obtained from your tap at home) fill it up in the evening, pop it into your fridge and take it with you to work. Beats drinking water that may be standing in a fridge for 2 weeks.

We do leave lights burning when we don't have to and no matter how much a cheap fifa 14 coins grudge against Eskom we have about our load shedding debacle, they were right. Saving power, saves you MONEY. Remember that Municipality ad, the one where an open tap turns into a stream of running 2 cent coins? Well, when's the last time you seen a 2 cent coin? Avoid those long showers as much as you can and see the difference in your bank account.


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